Greenwich Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Replacement

The Village of Greenwich intends to contract for engineering services in connection with the Village Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Replacement project. Firms interested in being considered for a contract to provide the required services should reply with a statement of qualifications no later than 1pm on October 2, 2024. Statements received after this deadline will not be considered. Statements of qualifications should include information regarding the firm’s history; education and experience of owners and key technical personnel; the technical expertise of the firm’s current staff; the firm’s experience in performing engineering studies, design, construction administration and construction observation; availability of staff; references; and any previous work performed for the Village of Greenwich. Statements of qualifications should be transmitted to: Mike Stevens, Administrator, Village of Greenwich, 45 Main Street, Greenwich, OH 44837


As required by Ohio Revised Code §153.65-73, responding firms will be evaluated and ranked in order of their qualifications. Following this evaluation, the Village of Greenwich will enter into contract negotiations with the most highly qualified firm. The preliminary project description is as follows:


Name of Project: Greenwich Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Replacement


Description: Greenwich seeks a qualified engineering firm to assist with the replacement of the Village’s Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The scope of work generally includes preparation of a preliminary engineering report (PER), final design of the preferred alternative, funding solicitation and acquisition, and construction inspection and administration services. The Village secured a federal earmark to offset construction costs and requires additional financing to as the community’s local match.  The existing WTP uses a combination of iron filters and ion exchange softeners with chlorine dosing to treat groundwater fed raw water. It is anticipated the new WTP will include the following:

  1. An aerator to oxidize iron and remove potential sulfur smell from the water.
  2. A clear well with passive or active mixing.
  3. High Service Pumps
  4. Iron Filters
  5. Ion exchanges softeners with an exterior brine silo
  6. A filtered/softened water blending valve.
  7. A chemical room for liquid chlorine (NaOCl) and space for future orthophosphate (corrosion inhibitor) and/or caustic (pH adjustment) in future.
  8. A new WTP building to enclose process equipment, including separate electrical and chemical rooms.
  9. Controls integration/SCADA system
  10. A used brine waste tank for use for ice removal on road during winter
  11. Staff bathroom
  12. Staff administrative office
  13. Water testing laboratory
  14. A garage with high bay door

Source of Funding: The Village is seeking planning funding through the State Revolving Loan funds and design and construction funding through other state and federal sources.

Project Schedule:           Anticipated Study Notice to Proceed: November 1, 2024

Anticipated Study Completion: February 28, 2025

Anticipated Design Notice to Proceed: March 24, 2025

Anticipated Design Completion: November 14, 2025

Anticipated Construction Start: March 2, 2026

Anticipated Construction Completion: May 3, 2027


Advertisement:              The Village of Greenwich Website



Help Wanted for a Utility and Seasonal Employee

The Village of Greenwich announces an open position for Utility Worker. Skills and knowledge in equipment operation and maintenance is a must.

The Village of Greenwich is now accepting applications for a seasonal employee. The position is for grounds keeping of the park and cemetery. You will also be support for the utility operations.

For application visit the Village Office located at 45 Main St. Greenwich. A resume, complete application, copy of all certifications can be sent to 45 Main Street, Greenwich Ohio, or   Applications are available by CLICKING HERE or the Village office at 45 Main Street.

The Village of Greenwich is an Equal Opportunity Employer

